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A partir de 8.5.2024

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Alquiler mensual sFr. 800 .-


Región Zúrich (ciudad)

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Estoy buscando I'm looking for any type of accommodation in Zurich.

Soy Hello! My name is Martina, I'm 21 yo and I'm from Italy (Sicily). I'm currently finishing my Bachelor at TU Delft (Netherlands). I've been admitted to the Master in Biomedical Engineering at ETH, therefore I'm looking for a nice place to stay. About me, I'm a clean person, I enjoy taking long walks in the nature, I do ballet and I like cooking. I have experiences with living with other people, therefore I understand the importance of spending time with your roommates as well as taking your own personal spaces. I look foward to hearing from you. If you want to know more about me, please let me know! Have a nice day :)


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