Busca un piso Busca un piso

Fechas y alquiler

A partir de 27.6.2024

Hasta end of the september 2024

Alquiler mensual sFr. 700 .-


Región Zúrich (ciudad)

Distrito / barrio


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Estoy buscando I've got an upcoming internship in Zurich through the Erasmus traineeship program of my uni. So, I'm looking for a WG during my stay from 27.06.2024 to 22.09.2024 (both are tentative and flexible). Since it's just a short stint, a furnished room with essentials like a bed, wardrobe, and desk would be preferable for me.

Soy A junior studying International Relations at METU in Ankara, Turkey. You'll find me mostly out and about either working, studying or breaking a sweat in sports. But when I'm chilling, I'm about movies, podcasts, and spontaneous outings (I'm kind of a yes man). I'm an early riser, but I also love a good late-night hangout on weekends. Having lived in different countries for similar durations, I'd like to think I'm pretty adaptable.


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