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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.6.2024

Jusqu'au 31.08.2024

Loyer mensuel sFr. 200 .–


Région Bâle-Ville

Adresse Gundeldingen

Lieu 4053 Basel

Arrondissement / quartier Gundeldingen

A proximité de 5 min walking from the train station, close to many Shops (Coop, Migros, ..)

Google Translate Grande carte à imprimer


La chambre estThe room is 9 qm ca. with a big window (unfurnished). The apartment includes 3 rooms in total, a well furnished kitchen (big fridge, freezer, washing machine, dishwasher and gas cooking) and a small bathroom with toilet and shower (and window).

Nous cherchons

We are looking for a woman, over 26 years old, who is interested into moving in the small room from June till August (with the possibility to extend the contract). We are looking for a respectful and clean person, who can live with other people.

Nous sommes

We are Sebastian (26) and Nicole (29), easy people, nature lovers and travelers. If you are interested contact us and tell us who you are :)


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