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A partir de 1.7.2024

Hasta Ilimitado

Alquiler mensual sFr. 620 .-


Región Zúrich (ciudad)

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Estoy buscando I am looking for a shared flat in Zurich.

Soy My name is Lara and I am 24 years old. I am currently in Norway for my Exchange semester, but I will be back in Summer to start my Masters in Biology at the UZH.
I would consider myself as a reliable and uncomplicated person. I like it tidy and reliably carry out my tasks. I appreciate privacy and enjoy to spend some time alone, but occasionally I like to get together and exchange ideas or try a new recipe.
A bit more about me: I like being outside in my freetime either climbing or walking in the forest. Also, I enjoy being creative and growing plants.


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