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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.7.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 600 .–


Région Berne

Adresse Liebeggweg

Lieu 3006 Bern

Arrondissement / quartier Obstberg

A proximité de BärenPark, Thunplatz

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La chambre estThere are TWO almost identical rooms available. Both are 3.40 x 2.40. Both have built-in wardrobe and some extra cupboard on the aisle. They are both facing South and have a green view. The first room is available from July, the second one is from August.

Nous cherchons

We are looking for somebody (two people) around 25-40 age and valuing the same mindset at home. Easy-going, caring for the house and the people inside, having a sense of responsibility and humor. We would like to live with bit colorful people being outside, inviting friends, and seeing the fun in random stupid moments maybe :) Preferably with a vegetarian diet and happy to share the items in the fridge. If you are interested, please write to us something super-duper informal telling us about yourself :)

Nous sommes

We, Can and Romy (not a couple), are currently two people looking for another two more as some people are leaving. We really like to create a cozy space with fun and easy-going people to call it home all together. We like to share the food in the fridge and, the meals we cook sometimes. If our partners or friends are visiting then what else can we wish for a fun night and talks :) All spontaneous and goes with the vibe rather than rules ;) We are outdoor people and like climbing, skiing, slacklining, acrobatics, swimming and more... and quite open to each other. Romy speaks FR, and DE but Can not yet let's say, so English it is usually. We would like to hear Swiss German inside the house as we both understand.


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