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Dates et loyer

A partir de 15.8.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 600 .-


Région Zurich (ville)

Arrondissement / quartier

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Je cherche I'm seeking a quiet, peaceful shared living situation in an apartment with no more than five people. I'm not fond of loud gatherings and would prefer roommates who don't smoke.

Je suis Hi there! I'm Varsha, a first-year master's student from India, currently pursuing Electrical Engineering at ETH. I tend to keep to myself and don't particularly enjoy partying, drinking, or smoking, so if you're looking for a social butterfly for a roommate, that might not be me. However, I do enjoy bonding over dinner, playing games, and I absolutely love to travel. Most of my time is spent either buried in coursework in my room or experimenting with recipes in the kitchen. When I'm not busy with studies, you'll likely find me participating in ASVZ activities, exploring Zurich, indulging in photography or painting, or planning my next adventure.


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