Von wgzimmer.ch geprüftes Inserat

Vermiete ein Zimmer Vermiete ein Zimmer

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 1.7.2024

Bis 30th September 2024

Miete / Monat sFr. 487 .–


Region Zürich (Oerlikon, Seebach, Affoltern)

Adresse Bulachhof 1

Ort 8057 Zurich

Kreis / Quartier Oerlikon

In der Nähe 10 minutes walk from UZH Irchel
30 minutes tram from ETH Hongg
15 minutes tram ETH Zentrum
5 minutes walk from Berninaplaz (Spar supermarket, pharmacy)

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Das Zimmer istThe room is full of light and spacious (see pictures attached). Apart from the furniture, I will leave in the room my monitor and Wi-Fi Router that you can use. This room is perfect for prospective students who will be here in the summer while looking for other places or for students who will stay in Zurich for the summer and want a cheap but nice place to stay.

The apartment has in total four flatmates (you + other 3), 2 bathrooms, one living room and one big kitchen/dining room.

Wir suchen

According to WOKO rules, I can only sublet my room to students at Zurich University, ETH or one of the Zurich Universities of Applied Sciences. There is no preference in terms of Gender/Nationality.
Just looking for someone who will take good care of my room for the next three months. Basic requirements of cleanliness and respect for the other flatmates apply.

Wir sind

I'm Lorenzo a MSc student of Computational Biology at ETH and I'm subletting this room because I will spend July, August and September in Basel for an Internship.

The other roommates are Clelia (Italian, Bioengineering at ETH), Davide (Italian, Energy Science at ETH) and Samuel (Swiss, Math at ETH). We usually have lunch/dinner together once per week and we always like to chat with each other.


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