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Dates et loyer

A partir de 30.5.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 850 .–


Région Baden

Adresse Badstrasse 20

Lieu 5400 Baden

Arrondissement / quartier Zentrum

A proximité de Baden bahnhof 2 minuten

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La chambre estYou have a 13m2 bright wood beam bedroom beside shared bathroom, with a beautiful 50 sqm high ceiling loft living space to enjoy together. It's an incredible space that you are welcome to help make comfortable

Nous cherchons

A sociable and relaxed person looking to share an amazing space

Nous sommes

You'd be living with me George, a relaxed and friendly winemaker, love to cook and share interesting bottles and enjoy the Baden life


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